Welcome to South Norwalk Elementary School
also known as
SoNo Elementary
At SoNo,
We Follow the SHARK Way!
SHARK represents our core values. At our school we are...
“A small school with a big personality. In South Norwalk School, everyone is FAMILY!"
OUR MISSION: The South Norwalk School dedicates itself to creating lifelong learners and successful global citizens by empowering scholar and community voices and cultivating creativity, passion, and cognition. Our mission is to educate all members of the school community through a rigorous, innovative, safe, hands-on, and nurturing learning environment.
OUR VISION: The South Norwalk School’s early learning community will be a high-quality, language rich setting, inclusive, and equitable environment which sets forth researched-based, developmentally and standard-based aligned learning experiences that prioritizes social emotional safety and development in conjunction with high standards and academic success for all young scholars.
School Overview
South Norwalk Elementary School l is the first neighborhood school serving the residents of South Norwalk in over 40 years. Our school offers a unique setting specific to early childhood, as it embarks through its first few years of incubation.
SoNo currently offers programming for scholars in preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2. Each year, one grade level will be added onto the enrollment. As we grow our school, our focus is to become a model school for hands-on developmentally appropriate practices that prioritizes growth and development of the whole child.
The South Norwalk community is a growing family which anchors itself in the “Shark Way”. The Shark Way are the values we prioritize with staff, families, scholars, and the surrounding community. The Shark Way means we are Safe, Honest, Accountable, Respectful, and Kind.
As a neighborhood school serving a large population of Multilingual Learner Students, we have implemented a Dual Language Pathway through a one-way model of instruction that provides academic learning to students in both English and Spanish. The South Norwalk School currently has one Kindergarten section, one First grade section and one Second grade section of Dual Language settings.
This year, the South Norwalk School is fortunate to receive the support of both the Ritter and Grossman Foundations to provide free before and after-school care for our preschool students and families. Carver Before and After program services are also provided to Kindergarten and First grade students through a special grant making it a no cost resource for our families.
In the menu to the left, you can find a message from our principal, look up contact information for our teachers and staff and read the latest news at South Norwalk School.